White Hair in Islam

Hair color has always been a subject of fascination and curiosity for humans. In the past, the assumption that white hair exclusively resulted from old age prevailed. However, as our understanding of science deepened, we discovered that various factors beyond aging can influence hair color changes. One particularly intriguing discovery is the connection between shock and the phenomenon of hair turning white. Remarkably, this scientific revelation echoes an age-old observation from the Quran, demonstrating the wisdom that has transcended time.

The Historical Perspective

Around 1400 years ago, people believed that white hair was an inevitable outcome of old age. However, the Quran, a religious text that has guided countless lives, offered an insight that hinted at a different understanding. In Quran 73:17, the verse alludes to a scenario where children’s hair turns white due to an impending Day of Resurrection.

فَكَيْفَ تَتَّقُونَ إِن كَفَرْتُمْ يَوْمًۭا يَجْعَلُ ٱلْوِلْدَٰنَ شِيبًا

If you ˹pagans˺ persist in disbelief, then how will you guard yourselves against ˹the horrors of˺ a Day which will turn children’s hair grey?

(Quran 73:17)

This portrayal challenges the conventional belief that only old age results in white hair. Interestingly, this perspective aligns with contemporary scientific findings about the link between shock and hair color change.

The Scientific Connection

In 2006, an article in The Register presented an intriguing revelation: hair color can indeed turn white as a result of severe shock. Dr. John O’Connor, a distinguished scientist from the University of Newcastle in Australia, explained that while hair is essentially “dead” after it grows out of the follicle, traumatic events can still impact the growth of new hair. The shock triggers physiological responses that affect the hair follicles, leading to the production of new hair that might appear white when it grows out a few weeks later. This phenomenon highlights the amazing ways in which our body responds to stressors.

The Parallels

The scientific explanation of hair turning white due to shock bears a striking resemblance to the insight offered by the Quran centuries ago. The Quranic verse about children’s hair turning white on the Day of Resurrection can be interpreted as a metaphorical representation of the physiological response to extreme stress. While the verse doesn’t explicitly mention shock, the correlation between this ancient wisdom and modern scientific findings is uncanny.

The Intersection of Knowledge

This convergence of ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding emphasizes the depth of knowledge encapsulated in religious texts like the Quran. The verse that describes the hair of children turning white serves as a testament to the Quran’s timeless relevance and its ability to provide insights into the human experience that have only recently been scientifically explored. It also showcases the power of the human mind to observe, reflect, and eventually understand the intricacies of the world around us.


The phenomenon of hair turning white due to shock stands as a remarkable example of how science and ancient wisdom can intersect. The Quranic insight from 1400 years ago, which hinted at the potential influence of factors beyond old age on hair color, mirrors our contemporary understanding of the impact of shock on hair follicles. This convergence serves as a testament to the profundity of the Quran’s teachings and its capacity to shed light on aspects of human existence that are only now being fully appreciated through scientific exploration. As we continue to unveil the mysteries of the world, we are reminded that wisdom can be found in both the ancient and the modern, waiting to be discovered by those who seek to understand.

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