
This chapter reminds us that no one can avoid punishment from Allah when it’s sought, as it comes from the Highest. On the Day of Judgement, angels and the Spirit will ascend to Allah over fifty thousand years, closer than we think. The sky will look like molten copper, and mountains like wool. Each person will focus on their own fate, with wrongdoers wishing to ransom themselves, but the blazing fire will spare none.

Humans are inherently greedy, anxious in hardship and stingy in wealth. Those steadfast in prayer and giving believe in the Day of Judgement and fear Allah’s punishment. They maintain decency in relationships, except with spouses or slaves, and fulfil their obligations. Such people will be honoured in heaven.

The chapter questions the disbelievers’ haste, wondering if they’re eager to enter heaven. Created from familiar substance, they can be replaced by others. Disbelievers are told to continue idle pursuits until the Day of Judgement, when they’ll emerge from graves hastily, running towards idols. On that day, their eyes will be downcast in shame.

This chapter underscores the accountability of disbelievers on the Day of Judgement, where they will desperately seek refuge in idols. Despite their efforts, they will face shame and regret. Meanwhile, believers who uphold their faith, fulfill their duties, and maintain integrity will be rewarded in heaven. The chapter urges reflection on one’s actions and beliefs, Telling us the inevitability of facing consequences in the afterlife.

This chapter is about the importance of prayer and giving, as well as honoring commitments. Disbelievers are urged to reflect until the Day of Judgement, when they’ll realize the truth.

See Here:

Quran – Brief Explanation
Quran Chapters
Quran Chapters – Summary
Quran Explanation

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