
Prophet Muhammad SAW received revelation that a group of jinn listened to the Quran attentively and found it remarkable, guiding them to the right path. They returned to their kind, sharing their experience and embracing faith in Allah SWT alone, without associating any partners with Him.

These jinn recognized Allah’s greatness, free from any family ties, unlike some foolish beings among them who spread strange ideas. They believed that neither humans nor jinn would lie about Allah SWT. Some people sought refuge in jinn, leading to further misguidance.

The jinn mentioned that they previously eavesdropped on heavenly secrets but were now forbidden, with fiery consequences for any attempts. This prohibition, aligned with the Quran’s revelation, indicated a positive change for humanity. They admitted that whatever Allah SWT does benefits mankind.

Among the jinn are both obedient and disobedient individuals. The obedient ones will be guided, while the disobedient face punishment in hell. This clarification is essential, especially considering Iblees, a disobedient jinn.

Staying steadfast in belief brings blessings like water, crucial for life. Everyone will be tested, and those who turn away from Allah SWT will face severe consequences. All mosques belong to Allah SWT, and Prophet Muhammad SAW is advised to declare his sole worship of Allah SWT, warning of eternal punishment for Disbelievers.

See Here:

Quran – Brief Explanation
Quran Chapters
Quran Chapters – Summary
Quran Explanation

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