
This chapter, called Haj, has 78 verses. It begins by describing the scary situation of the Day of Judgement. People who talk about Allah SWT without knowledge and follow Shaitan are misguided towards hell. Those who doubt the Day of Judgement should consider how rainwater brings life to dead soil, just as humans are created from a drop. Those who talk about Allah SWT without knowledge will be disgraced in this world and punished in the hereafter.

Some people follow religion for worldly gains and revert to disbelief in times of difficulty, which is a greater loss. If anyone doubts that Allah SWT will not help His Prophet SAW, they should consider their own situation. Allah SWT will judge different groups on the Day of Judgement, and whoever He disgraces cannot be dignified by anyone else.

Everyone has the right to visit Masjid al-Haram and perform Hajj. Prophet Ibrahim AS was asked to prepare this place for Hajj and animal sacrifice. Respecting these signs of Allah SWT’s greatness is beneficial. Making partners with Allah SWT is like falling from the sky, and respecting Allah SWT’s memorials creates piety in hearts. Every nation has its specific way of sacrificing animals.

Humble are those whose hearts are filled with fear and hope in Allah SWT. They are patient, pray, and spend out of Allah SWT’s gifts. Animal sacrifices benefit us, and we should distribute the meat to everyone, whether they request it or not, to maintain purity of hearts. Allah SWT defends believers and dislikes disbelievers. Believers’ efforts maintain worship places, otherwise, enemies would destroy them.

Deniers should travel and see what happened to earlier nations. Punishment comes at its set time, and a day with Allah SWT equals 1,000 years. Those against Allah SWT’s verses are heading towards hell. When the Prophet plans, Shaitan tries to create hurdles, but with Allah SWT’s help, they will not succeed. This exposes people with diseased hearts and purifies the righteous.

Everything in the universe is for Allah SWT, and He has given control to humans, but many are ungrateful. Allah SWT knows who argues with the Prophet SAW and will judge them on the Day of Judgement. When verses are recited, disbelievers seem ready to attack, but punishment awaits them.

The lords of disbelievers are weak; they cannot even create a fly or retrieve something taken by a fly. Allah SWT knows everything, so believers are urged to worship Him and do good deeds to succeed in the hereafter. People have not truly understood Allah SWT’s power. He has not made religion difficult. Stay attached to Allah SWT, for He is a great guardian and helper.

See Here:

Quran – Brief Explanation
Quran Chapters
Quran Chapters – Summary
Quran Explanation

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